This is an intensive one-day overview video tutorial of the fundamental concepts of the Ruby on Rails Web programming framework, presented by the UC Berkeley RAD Lab. The overview consists of six sections of approximately one hour each. Click through the video chapters to go through the Ruby on Rails programming course.
Part 1 - Hello World
Web Apps anatomy 101, Model-View-Controller 101, Rails 101, deconstructing Hello World in Rails.
Part 2: Just Enough Ruby
Object orientation, naming conventions, mixins and modules (a/k/a multiple inheritance done right), iterators and generators in Ruby on Rails.
Part 3: Basic Rails
ActiveRecord, ActionController, ActionView: validation, model lifecycle, controller actions and the session, filters, forms and parameters, page layouts and partials, CSS in Ruby on Rails.
Part 4: Advanced Active Record
Multi-table associations, embedding data structures, single-table inheritance. Controller tricks, View tricks, and testing: scaffolding, authentication, AJAX, Web services in Ruby on Rails.
Part 5: AJAX and Testing
Deployment and Lifecycle Management in Ruby on Rails: Automating deployment, schema migrations, configuration, debugging, benchmarking.
Part 6: Configuration and Deploy in Ruby on Rails.
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